Frequently Asked Questions
Reiki is a Japanese healing art meaning “universal life energy” known to be 2500 years old. In the early 1900’s Dr. Mikao Usui reintroduced this system of healing which uses gentle touch to harmonize the energies both physically and emotionally.
Developed by Carol Komitor, Healing Touch for Animals® is an energy healing modality specifically designed for animals for balance and harmony of physical and emotional wellbeing.
Shamanism is indigenous to all cultures throughout the world and is the oldest spiritual practice and form of healing known to man. The fundamental is that all life forms are sacred - plant, animal, human and Mother Earth. The objective of shamanic practice is to restore balance to all.
A life coach helps someone discover their personal development goals and visions and then assists them in achieving their desired result.
An animal chaplain serves as a non-denominational, inter-spiritual bridge for all human and animal issues.
Interspecies communication, sometimes known as animal communication is listening to our innate intuition, instead of the mind, to be in communication with all life - animals, plants and nature.
The Toltec philosophy is that our assumptions, beliefs and expectations create our perception of reality and our behaviors and outlook can change according to these beliefs. This is best described in the book, The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Dreamwork is learning the language of our dream symbology to understand ourselves more fully and deeply.

“Thanking Heaven even for our misfortunes is the best way to transform them. You will see your difficulties in a different light, as if you had wrapped them in a film of pure gold.”